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    Associate Professor, Computer Science Unit,
    Indian Statistical Institute, Chennai Centre,
    37, Nelson Manickam Road, Aminjikarai,
    Chennai-600029, INDIA.


    Specialization:   Graph Theory, Graph Algorithms and Combinatorics.

    Research Interests:    Graph classes. Graph colorings and variations. Structure and algorithmic aspects in graphs.

    List of Publications:
  • Arnab Char and T.Karthick, χ-boundedness and related problems on graphs without long induced paths: A survey
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, 364 (2025) 99–119.

  • Arnab Char and T.Karthick, Optimal chromatic bound for (P2+P3, P2+P3)-free graphs.
    Journal of Graph Theory, 105:2 (2024) 149–178.

  • S.Huang, Y.Ju and T.Karthick, Coloring (P5, kite)-free graphs with small cliques.
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, 344 (2024) 129–139.

  • Arnab Char and T.Karthick, Improved bounds on the chromatic number of (P5, flag)-free graphs.
    Discrete Mathematics, 346 (2023) Article no:113501.

  • T.Karthick, J.Kaufmann and V.Sivaraman, Coloring graph classes with no induced fork via perfect divisibility.
    The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 29:3 (2022) #P3.19

  • Arnab Char and T.Karthick, Coloring of (P5, 4-wheel)-free graphs.
    Discrete Mathematics, 345:5 (2022) Article no:112795.

  • S.Huang and T.Karthick, On graphs with no induced five-vertex path or paraglider.
    Journal of Graph Theory, 97:2 (2021) 305–323.

  • M.Chudnovsky, S.Huang, T.Karthick and J.Kaufmann, Square-free graphs with no induced fork.
    The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 28:2 (2021) #P2.20.

  • S.A.Choudum, T.Karthick and Manoj M.Belavadi, Structural domination and coloring of some (P7, C7)-free graphs.
    Discrete Mathematics, 344:3 (2021) Article no:112244.

  • M.Chudnovsky, T.Karthick, P.Maceli and F.Maffray, Coloring graphs with no induced five-vertex path or gem.
    Journal of Graph Theory, 95:4 (2020) 527–542.

  • T.Karthick and F.Maffray, Square-free graphs with no six-vertex induced path. (In: 10th ICGT 2018, France.)
    SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 33:2 (2019) 874–909.

  • T.Karthick, F.Maffray and L.Pastor, Polynomial cases for the vertex coloring problem.
    Algorithmica, 81 (2019) 1053–1074.

  • T.Karthick and F.Maffray, Coloring (gem, co-gem)-free graphs.
    Journal of Graph Theory, 89 (2018) 288–303.

  • T.Karthick and S.Mishra, Chromatic bounds for some classes of 2K2-free graphs.
    Discrete Mathematics, 341 (2018) 3079–3088.

  • T.Karthick and S.Mishra, On the chromatic number of (P6, diamond)-free graphs.
    Graphs and Combinatorics, 34 (2018) 677–692.

  • T.Karthick, Star Coloring of certain graph classes.
    Graphs and Combinatorics, 34 (2018) 109–128.

  • A.Brandstädt, E.M.Eschen, E.Friese and T.Karthick, Efficient domination for classes of P6-free graphs.
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, 223 (2017) 15–27.

  • T.Karthick and F.Maffray, Maximum weight independent sets in classes related to claw-free graphs.
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, 216 (2017) 232–239.

  • T.Karthick, Independent sets in some classes of Si,j,k-free graphs.
    Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 34 (2017) 612–630.

  • T.Karthick, Structure of squares and efficient domination in graph classes.
    Theoretical Computer Science, 652 (2016) 38–46.

  • T.Karthick, Weighted independent sets in a subclass of P6-free graphs.
    Discrete Mathematics, 339 (2016) 1412–1418.

  • T.Karthick and F.Maffray, Weighted independent sets in classes of P6-free graphs. (In: 9th ICGT 2014, France.)
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, 209 (2016) 217–226.

  • A.Brandstädt and T.Karthick, Weighted efficient domination in two subclasses of P6-free graphs.
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, 201 (2016) 38–46.

  • T.Karthick and F.Maffray, Vizing Bound for the chromatic number on some graph classes.
    Graphs and Combinatorics, 32 (2016) 1447–1460.

  • T.Karthick and F.Maffray, Maximum weight independent sets in (S1,1,3, bull)-free graphs.
    In:COCOON 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9797 (2016) 390–392.

  • T.Karthick, Star chromatic bounds.
    In:ICGTA 2015, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 53 (2016) 413–419.

  • T.Karthick, Independent sets in classes related to chair-free graphs.
    In:CALDAM 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9602 (2016) 224–232.

  • T.Karthick, New polynomial case for efficient domination in P6-free graphs.
    In:CALDAM 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8909 (2015) 81–88.

  • T.Karthick, Note on equitable coloring of graphs.
    Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 59 (2014) 251–259.

  • T.Karthick, On atomic structure of P5-free subclasses and maximum weight independent set problem.
    Theoretical Computer Science, 516 (2014) 78–90.

  • T.Karthick and C.R.Subramanian, Star coloring of subcubic graphs.
    Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 33 (2013) 373–390.

  • M.Basavaraju, L.S.Chandran and T.Karthick, Maximum weight independent sets in hole- and dart-free graphs.
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, 160 (2012) 2364–2369.

  • T.Karthick and F.Maffray, A characterization of claw-free b-perfect graphs.
    Discrete Mathematics, 312 (2012) 324–330.

  • N.R.Aravind, T.Karthick and C.R.Subramanian, Bounding χ in terms of ω and Δ for some classes of graphs.
    Discrete Mathematics, 311 (2011) 911–920.

  • S.A.Choudum and T.Karthick, Maximal cliques in {P2∪P3, C4}-free graphs.
    Discrete Mathematics, 310 (2010) 3398–3403.

  • S.A.Choudum and T.Karthick, First-fit coloring of {P5, K4-e}-free graphs.
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, 158 (2010) 620–626.

  • S.A.Choudum, T.Karthick and M.A.Shalu, Linear chromatic bounds for a subfamily of 3K1-free graphs.
    Graphs and Combinatorics, 24 (2008) 413–428.

  • S.A.Choudum, T.Karthick and M.A.Shalu, Perfect coloring and linearly χ-bound P6-free graphs.
    Journal of Graph Theory, 54 (2007) 293–306.

    Edited Volumes:
  • A.M.Hinz, S.Arumugam, R.Balakrishnan, S.Francis Raj, T.Karthick, K.Somasundaram, X.Zhu.
    Special Issue of International Conference on Graph Theory and its Applications (ICGTA 2015).
    Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (Elsevier), Volume 53 (2016).

  • F.Bonomo, S.A.Choudum and T.Karthick, On b-perfect graph conjecture and forbidden subgraphs.
    Presented in "8th French Combinatorial Conference (2010)", France.
    Presented in: "International Workshop on Graph Theory and its Applications (2010)", Trichy, India.