Placement Cell at ISI Chennai is created to enable recruitment of ISI Chennai students. Besides doctoral programs, we offer Post Graduate Diploma in Statistical Methods and Analytics (PGDSMA).
          Companies and organizations who are interested in hiring our students, either for permanent jobs or for internships, may contact us. The first step is to send us an email placements [at] along with the filled Campus Recruitment Form, which is available here: [Download].
           The following brochure gives useful information about the placement process of ISI Chennai: [Download].
           We invite you to learn about ISI Chennai and our students through this website.
Placement Cell, Indian Statistical Institute
37, Nelson Manickam Road, Aminjikarai, Chennai - 600029
Phone: +91 7004839072,+91 9676385308,+91 8122386168,+91 9401144440 .
Placement Guidelines
  • Placement of ISI students is facilitated by the Placement Committee.
  • All correspondences in this regard should be made with the Placement Committee. Please email us at (mark subject: Placement).
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Statistical Methods and Analytics (PGDSMA) course passing out in July 2025, are eligible for placement and internships.
  • Dates (for placement procedures): Feb 2025 - August 2025.
  • ISI does not charge any Placement Fee.
Multiple Job Offer Rules
  • In spite of our effort to make sure that the higher paying jobs are offered to the students earlier, it may not be possible always. In the effort of keeping offer rejections low as well as providing students better opportunities, we allow a student to sit for another job/internship interview only if the new job/internship offers a salary more than the previous job (s)he has already got by a significant margin. This margin is a fixed margin internal to our committee.
  • In case a student gets a PPO, the above rule does not apply. The student has to accept or reject the PPO within two days of receiving the offer with salary details. However, if the student accepts a PPO, then it is considered to be a job obtained via placement and any other offer received before would be cancelled. Whether the student can sit for any further interview would be determined by the previous rule.
  • The companies are requested to make a ranked waiting list of students apart from the selected list so that if a selected student gets another offer (as per the above rules) we can automatically fill the position from the waiting list in the order and inform the student as well as the company.