6 Algebraic Structures

ISI Kolkata, 2023-2024 Session

Semester: Second
Instructor: Sujata Ghosh
Meeting Times: Tuesdays, Fridays, 9:30 AM - 11:15 AM
First Class: Tuesday, January 09, 2024
Location: Online

[Teaching staff | Course overview | References | Grading | Lecture schedule | Homeworks/Handouts]

Teaching staff


Sujata Ghosh
Email: sujata AT isichennai DOT res DOT in
Office Hours: By Arrangement (please send an e-mail)


Soham Banerjee
Email: sohamsbanerjee AT gmail DOT com
Office Hours: By Arrangement (please send an e-mail)

Smiha Samanta
Email: smi1995ha AT gmail DOT com
Office Hours: By Arrangement (please send an e-mail)

Course overview

Course Description: This course can be considered as an introductory course on different algebraic structures. The focus will be on groups, rings, fields and vector spaces. We will have a brief recapitulation of the concepts of sets, relations and functions at the beginning of the course. Towards the end, we will look into some applications of algebra in computer science. The complete syllabus of the course can be found here.

This course is also about building up mathematical maturity, e.g., how to read and write mathematics, especially mathematical proofs, and how to communicate mathematics.

Pre-requisites: There are no pre-requisites for this course.

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Text book: This main text book for the course is Algebra by Mike Artin.

Some other books which might prove to be helpful are A first course in Abstract Algebra by J.B. Fraleigh, the classic Topics in Algebra by I.N. Herstein, Abstract Algebra by D.S. Dummit and R.M. Foote.

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Grades will be based on assignments (20%), mid-semester examination (20%), project (10%), and end-semester examination (50%).

The latex template for the scribe can be found here.

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Lecture schedule

09.01.2024 Sets, relations, functions: Class notes
Aranya and Sandeep: Class scribe
12.01.2024 Induction and well-ordering: Class notes
Aranya and Sandeep: Class scribe
16.01.2024 Size of sets: Class notes
Basudeb and Shramana: Class scribe
19.01.2024 Uncountable sets: Class notes
Basudeb and Shramana: Class scribe
23.01.2024 Groups and subgroups: Class notes
Sai: Class scribe
30.01.2024 Tutorial
02.02.2024 Cyclic Groups and isomorphisms: Class notes
Ritam: Class scribe
06.02.2024 Normal subgroups and permutation groups: Class notes
Rajdeep and Soumik: Class scribe
09.02.2024 On cosets: Class notes
Rajdeep and Soumik: Class scribe
13.02.2024 Cosets and quotient groups: Class notes
Priyanka and Roshni: Class scribe
17.02.2024 Product of groups: Class notes
Priyanka and Roshni: Class scribe
20.02.2024 Tutorial
01.03.2024 MID-SEM EXAM
05.03.2024 Introduction to rings: Class notes
Aranya and Sandeep: Class scribe
08.03.2024 Ideals, Quotient rings: Class notes
Aranya and Sandeep: Class scribe
12.03.2024 Polynomial rings: Class notes
Sandeep: Class scribe
15.03.2024 On fields: Class notes
Shramana: Class scribe
19.03.2024 On integral domains: Class notes
Basudeb and Ritam: Class scribe
22.03.2024 More on Quotient rings: Class notes
Basudeb and Ritam: Class scribe
26.03.2024 More on fields: Class notes
Sai: Class scribe
02.04.2024 Field extensions: Class notes
Rajdeep: Class scribe
05.04.2024 Special Lecture by Pascal Weil: Algorithmic problems in free groups:
Class slides, Class notes
06.04.2024 Tutorial
09.04.2024 More on Field extensions: Class notes
Soumik: Class scribe
12.04.2024 Splitting fields: Class notes
Roshni: Class scribe
16.04.2024 Finite fields: Class notes
Priyanka: Class scribe
19/20.04.2024 Project Presentations
Aranya: Write-up Slides
Basudeb: Write-up Slides
Priyanka: Write-up Slides
Rajdeep: Write-up Tool
Ritam: Write-up Slides
Roshni: Write-up Slides
Sandeep: Write-up Slides
Shramana: Write-up Slides
Soumik: Write-up Slides
Soumya: Write-up Slides

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  • Homework 1
    Deadline for submission: February 04, 2024.

  • Homework 2
    Deadline for submission: March 10, 2024.

  • Homework 3
    Deadline for submission: March 24, 2024.

  • Homework 4
    Deadline for submission: April 7, 2024.

  • Homework 5
    Deadline for submission: April 30, 2024.

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